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Alien, The final confrontation 200ft

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  • #16
    I don't have money to burn, although I do tend to burn it , I digress, but I do find it silly to make an issue about 25 frames within an 11 minute digest.
    I'm just grateful today's releases are not the quality we were getting back in the 70s... I guess. That's my point of reference and gratitude.


    • #17
      I think it has something to do with Andec's processing, as, The other company uses the same film stock, but the results color wise and color saturation, are quite different. The other company has warm, realistic color reproduction, using the same stock, ( well, it's pretty much the only stock right now ), so it's processing.


      • #18
        Have bought a few of Dorun's releases and have been delighted with the print and sound quality I've received. My favourite one is the Terminator 3 extract 'The Crane Chase' (wish I'd bought two prints now!), although the pre-credits and titles to 'View To a Kill' comes in a close second.

        Sorry to learn that Lee is now withdrawing from issuing new releases for personal reasons, but family has to come first, even before film!! Having known Lee for a number of years now, I can appreciate all the time, stress and pure frustration he's had to contend with, especially with all the customs costs and delays between him and Andec.

        Thank you Lee for all your hard work, time and patience in bringing out some truly great prints for us collectors to enjoy for years to come and hope you get to enjoy some 'reely' great quality family time.


        • #19
          As I now only collect St8 I cannot comment on print quality from Dorum. I do however read with interest the comments regarding the new releases. What I do know is that Lee should be applauded for his courageous work in making NEW prints available for collectors, this must have entailed hours of blood sweat and tears to bring it all to fruition.
          So sorry Lee you are no longer releasing any more ,looking after Val is more important.
          Maybe someone else would like to have a go , but I very much doubt it!!!!


          • #20
            Shame about the fault. If it is indeed the fault of Andec, then it's a pity that they couldn't print Phillip a new one.

            Robert, to be fair to Phillip, the fault seems to occur EVERY 25 frames, not just FOR 25 frames, so I imagine it is quite an irritation.

            Again, a shame as so much hard work and determination has gone into this.


            • #21
              I agree that Andec should re print faulty prints if they are at fault but probably won't due to the hassle and setup cost/time involved. I'm afraid we don't order in big enough numbers and are a big enough part of their business that they would go out of their way to please the customer. Then there is the striping and recording which is a further cost. It's not just Dorun, other prints from the USA are affected by printing errors. It's not perfect but all we have for speed printing these days in small volumes. I do have some faulty prints myself but still enjoy running them, there is something special about super 8.

              Graham S


              • #22
                I am going to give it a go John, from now I'm going to go direct to the guy in Italy that produces one off prints.


                • #23

                  "I agree that Andec should re print faulty prints if they are at fault but probably won't due to the hassle and setup cost/time involved."


                  Maybe someone could get a reply from Andec?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Osi Osgood View Post
                    If the scratches are on the same frames on multiple prints, it's a negative issue, if they are in assorted other places, it's an optical printer issue.
                    Correct. At a minimum there should be QC on the Negative since that will be used for further prints. I have seen prints from Andec that are flawless and others off the same negative that have issues which would point to the "printer". I don't think Andec employs staff to watch prints for flaws. They just turn 'em out and hope for the best.

                    Even back in the day when Castle / Ken / Columbia etc. were producing volumes of prints there would occasionally be a few with flaws and then you would just return it to your retail store for an exchange. Can't do that today - very low and limited volume with a Niche market.


                    • #25
                      Lee, you say;

                      "It's worth remembering this is not a spinning disc perhaps, all the work and expense is given for love of 8."

                      Which is maybe ironic as a spinning disc is possible where it has come from??? Perhaps you could clarify the origin?

                      A spinning disc is at least a fraction of the cost, usually faultless, returnable, replaceable, and in the correct ratio. But I love super 8, so I get it.

                      But, given the widely varying prices between these prints from the US source and keyboardtappers prices. I mean, fair play, you make the effort, you take any credit.

                      So if it is for the love, then who introduced the faults? Andec? Faulty print, get them to re-print. Marks on the print by the guy that does the sound striping? Get him to refund the cost of new prints? Marks at recording stage? Write them off and order new prints.

                      And let us not even get into copyright...unless you are paying the copyright holder the correct royalties and then I with hold my remark.

                      I hope you will sternly put me straight on these matters.
                      Last edited by Rob Young; June 07, 2024, 08:43 AM.


                      • #26
                        Andec clearly knows they are the only game in town. Our Italian friend has stated that he is not in the business of making numerous prints of a single file. I would hope that Andec would strike a new negative if that is the issue or make another print if that would solve things but normally they are not that forthcoming.


                        • #27
                          That's quite a depressing comment regarding Andec, Doug.

                          Don't get me wrong, I'm not having a go at anyone that tries to get new super 8 out there, but the costs are fantastic and I think imperfection has to be answerable.

                          Does in my trade.


                          • #28
                            It's a shame, but a reality to have to live with, that, before we ever hold our beloved new prints in our hands, they have to go thru multiple hands. Best case scenario would be for each and every step be handled in one house, printing, striping, recording, as then, you know who to blame. That is another plus to our friends in Italy. He prints as well as records it in house. I was impressed with the striping and stereo recording and audio levels on my purchase from him.


                            • #29
                              One way to minimise the steps involved would be to only print optical sound films but not sure if it's possible today to make a negative with an optical track.


                              • #30
                                Nice thought, Graham, but there are probably not enough collectors with optical sound capability to make it a worthwhile investment.

