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Sorry guys if this unit has been mentioned before...but it's new to me. I like that it uses a wetgate. I don't know how much it costs. Does anybody else have info or own this unit?
Although I couldn't find a price on the Large multi-format HDS+ Scanner....there was more information on their smaller "more economical" Reg. 8mm and S8mm model called the PICTOR. There was an introductory price for the first 20 units being sold for 9,995 Euros ($11,020), but the regular price with sound would be 12,495 Euros ($13,777)
UPDATE... A guy on Facebook just contacted me and said the larger HDS+ Scanner is going for about $30K now. He has one and is in the film transfer business.
You'll also find mid to top end manufacturers like to come to your office to set the kit up and show you how the unit and software work. You can add much more for that service to the grand total. These are the type of units the trade tend to favour but you will need pretty deep pockets I fear. If I was starting out again it would be a mwa-nova.com/ for me every time as the results I had of my own films is more than impressive when scanned on one.
Last edited by Lee Mannering; February 10, 2020, 07:52 AM.
For most ppl who want to scan their own S8 films (minus DIY youte) it will be this class ( 10k+ price point), and it will be Wolverine class (300$ ish). notice a LARGE GAP here?
Anybody ever want to fill in this gap?
There's even an BIGGER gap when you go from a scanner such as this FilmFabriek to a Scanstation. Expect to be out about $200K US for a Scanstation Pro model with HDR and 6.5K scanning. The scans coming from the Scanstation are simply outstanding though.