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The audio and video are both captured together, so I have a synced video file (with the audio embedded). If I do any work on the video, it stays the same length so the audio will always match.
If there was de-synced audio I would just stretch or shrink either the video or audio slightly in my editor.
For consumer(ish) DV camcorder I can only think of one model - Panasonic NV-GS400 that does have "frame mode" scan function, which is the closest thing to being true progressive. The next model lineup would be in the realm of "prosumer" range - Panasonic DVX series, and some Canon XL seires.
But in today's world NONE of these "prosumer" camera would stand a chance to compete with current HD camcorders - even the basic consumer ones. So try looking for something more "modern" counterparts - seriously.