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MovieStuff (aka: Roger Evans) finally stops scamming people and declared bankruptcy

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  • MovieStuff (aka: Roger Evans) finally stops scamming people and declared bankruptcy

    I've tried to warn people about this crook. Sadly it looks like a few HUNDRED people over the last two years gave him money and never even received their garbage scanner.

    The filing can be downloaded here (among other places on the internet):

    Other online discussions about this crook:

    Apparently he even fooled his "fiancee" Mindy Armstrong into believing there was something between them, when in reality he just needed to use her as his sugar mama to give him even more money. He took in $1.5 MILLION in scanner orders in the last 2 years and now miraculously claims he is broke. And that's JUST the money he accepted from MovieStuff customers!

    Anyone who buys into his latest horseshit of "oh everyone should feel sorry for me, I tried so hard" needs to pound sand. The guy deserves to be behind bars instead of receiving a "get out of jail free bankruptcy card" AND accepting taxpayer's money on top of it all.

    Here is his facebook post where he tries to get everyone to feel sorry for him, as if he worked so hard to revolutionize the scanning world (which he absolutely did not).

    And yes Roger, you still owe me $5000 from the very same afternoon I received the scanner I bought from you years ago when I found it did NOT have the overscan feature you claimed it did when I bought it. You even had a Photoshopped picture of the overscan posted on your website! (That picture was miraculously removed from the website the day after my phone call.) We discussed this specific feature BEFORE I sent you my money for it, but the second I called you to ask if I needed to do some sort of software upgrade for the overscan to work, the REAL Roger Evans came out as you proceeded to chew me out and yell at me about what a fucking moron I was for wanting that feature. You sir are one massive and crooked pile of shit and finally the world as a whole has proof.

  • #2
    I saw this on Facebook. I'm so mad right now, I'm at a loss for words. If I did have words, they would certainly be inappropriate to post! 🤬🤬🤬


    • #3
      Here are more bankruptcy docs.


      • #4
        There's a phrase in my language - "ล้มบนฟูก" (crashing on the mattress) that exactly matches to the situation. When the crook had gained enough money from the investor he/she would intentionally **crash** the business, but not before he/she had liquidated most of the assets to the hidden "pocket" and finally left literally nothing for any creditors.

        Seen this kind of scam all the time here, and will see lots of this in years to come...


        • #5
          Adding an update to my post above. It may not have been $5000 that Roger owed me. It may have been $2495 and I have that number crossed in my head with the $5000 for the next variation of the scanner (which was announced after my order, but before I received my scanner) which did offer the overscan. That doesn't change any of the other facts though.


          • #6
            Hey Brad, he may not be "finally stopping" after all... or at least maybe he doesn't intend to!

            The domain​ was registered on January 12 2024. That's well before he declared bankruptcy and during the time he was saying on his website that existing orders were being worked on, so it appears to be he's trying to survive Ch 7 bankruptcy and then rebuild a new company?


            • #7
              Hi, obviously bad news for many.

              I did order and I did receive my 4k scanner within the last extra guides and the large reel upgrade for free due to delays everyone else was experiencing.

              I was in fairly constant contact with Roger and he always got back to me and was helpful during setup.

              Having said all that, I had initiated a small claims action against Roger in Texas...or rather informed him forma...that he would be sued...and that it would be public knowledge.

              I then rec'd my the extras...shortly thereafter.

              Frankly, I expected bankruptcy and I'm sure everyone either saw it coming or should have seen it coming.

              I am a small business person and have witnessed many such situations....some total scams...some very sad where a business goes sideways...or sinks.

              Roger was a reputable he isn't.

              I'm not defending him...not at all...just describing my experience, FWIW.

              So sorry for all the other small businesses that are now out-of-luck.



              • #8
                Welcome to The MovieStuff Museum. 🙄


                • #9
                  I'm sorry to hear about this -- not for Roger, but for the people who "invested" in stuff that they never got. I have an old "Workprinter" that I got from a guy for not much money, and while the liner notes say something like "this amazing machine uses a heavily-modified GAF projector," I had to laugh when i first saw the setup, it's just an old GAF projector with an incandescent dimmer rheostat installed to "control" the AC motor (cheap shaded-pole motor, like the kind they put in bathroom fans), that sorta works, but is something you'd cobble together out of random parts you've got laying around. At the time, I think this thing "retailed" for over a thousand bucks, I paid I think fifty dollars for it. It did come with an aerial image lens that was worth a few bucks, that's true, and it was a clever use of common parts -- but way, way overpriced for what you got. Now I was still satisfied with the "performance" of this setup for my minimal money invested, but as luck would have it, I somehow ended up having some questions about a few things, and the guy I got this thing from, gave me Roger's contact info, this was rather a few years ago, before "Moviestuff" was offering really high-end stuff. I exchanged a few emails with Roger, and what I remember most is that the guy put me off completely. I've had to deal with a lot of geeky guys in my time (I'm retired from computer tech support) and most of them have egos the size of Buicks, and you learn to just deal with certain people as quickly and politely as possible. In my few communications with Roger, I just came away thinking, "This is not a guy I wanna ever have to deal with again." So I didn't. But to me, he was such an obvious blow-hard, I figured he'd piss off people way before he could get much money out of them.


                  • #10
                    I had an old Workprinter that I bought used. I didn't care for it, and ended up giving it away. Nice for it's time waaaaaay back in the day though. I was looking forward to something better until I got screwed. Speaking of which, someone has started a Facebook group to discuss this kerfuffle. I don't have the link handy, but if you purchased something from MovieStuff, they've likely sent you a letter based on the addresses of MovieStuff's clients (or victims) provided in the bankruptcy claim.


                    • #11
                      Signed into Facebook tonight. In the list of “people you may know” was RD Evans! Maybe it’s just coincidence, but the profile picture does look him if I recall correctly from videos he posted on the old Moviestuff site. WTF?

                      Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_2017.jpg Views:	0 Size:	34.7 KB ID:	100775


                      • #12
                        Here is the Order Of Discharge document published yesterday.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	order of discharge_Redacted_Page_1.png
Views:	802
Size:	24.1 KB
ID:	102421
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	order of discharge_Redacted_Page_2.png
Views:	789
Size:	21.1 KB
ID:	102422


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Dave Bickford View Post
                          Here is the Order Of Discharge document published yesterday.

                          My question will for sure not be part of 8mm but I am really curious:

                          1. What is orders of discharge in the US legal system?

                          2. Who is going to get the benefit more (i.e money)?

                          3. Why there is such system, what is going to be protected in the bigger scope?

                          4. Can someone use (play/cheat) this system for his own advantage?

                          best regards


                          • #14
                            Someone posted this screenshot on Facebook today.

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	448719296_10161000164800399_1308117498175562904_n.jpg
Views:	645
Size:	166.7 KB
ID:	102662

