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The lady who went skinny dipping at the beach party at the very beginning of the film and became the first victim of "JAWS," Susan Backlinie ("Chrissie") died on May 11th after a heart attack age 77.
I grew up on Cape Cod you couldn't go one week without hearing about the movie which was filmed across the water on Martha's Vineyard.. Just a little insight to the humor. I wasn't trying to be rude.....
There's a BIG trial going on in NYC right now and the person in the thick of it is also subject to ridiculous things all everything included. But at the end of the day he's a human being just like all of us so yes RIP to Chrissy and condolences to her family.
RIP to Chrissy, least you are remembered because of Jaws. Apparently, there is live video portal from New York to Dublin and of course somebody in Dublin had to drop his trousers and show his arse to New York so some blonde girl now has shown her tits in New York to Dublin. Think her name was something to do with the weather. Breezy Overcast or Stormsy.