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Just blown my top with Amazon

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  • Just blown my top with Amazon

    About a month ago I got to purchase my dream car. A car that I had dreamt of owning, but like with most things in life could never had afforded back when they were new. I bided my time and waited until the right model and colour came up for sale. The one advisory on the control listed that the headlights would need to be replaced before the next test was due, as the plastic was starting to fog over.

    I found a seller on Ebay who was selling a brand new pair of headlights for a fraction of the price from the car dealership.
    These arrived factory sealed, perfect, just saved a small fortune.

    So then I decided as these were new to fit them with some decent lamps, as it would be easier to install the bulbs while the headlights are not fitted on the car.
    I know that LEDs on the dipped beam are not road legal, so I opted for some high end halogen but chose LEDs for the main beam, as these are not tested during the control. I also pick up some chromed side lamps and chromed orange indicator lamps, so when you look at the headlights you can't see any of the lamps.

    These arrived from Amazon today, each pair in separate envelopes. All of the packaging to the lamps has been ripped open and containing odd used bulbs, obversely returned to Amazon by a scammer.
    It wouldn't had been so bad, but these lamps cost nearly as much as the headlights. So Amazon have had a piece of my mind, with language that I can't place on this forum.

    The real kicker is I have got to wait three weeks to get my money back. Amazon you have just lost a customer as this is not the first time you have screwed me over by sending out used items.

    Never again will you have my custom.

  • #2
    That's the only way to really "stick it to the man", even if it's just one customer, it's still lost revenue.


    • #3
      I recently closed my Amazon account as well. I had bought back in February a small package containing three identical items. One of which was defective. It was thrown out as cheap junk - my decision. A while later some other reason for me to get help (that took awhile) and the man from India helped. It was obvious even though this was typed text chat - his English grammar was fair but not excellent. He helped me through the problem and as we said our good bye he he asked if there was anything else he could do for me. I explained the February incident - and that I had discarded the bad item. By this time it was long gone to the dump. He said no problem he could issue a replacement. I questioned it because originally it was a box of three items and only one was bad. He issued a gift card which went right to the seller as new payment but free for me. So in this method Amazon was eating it.

      It was made perfectly clear the bad item could not be returned.

      The new box of 3 items arrived promptly. Inside was a paper for me to send the bad item back. Another call to Amazon support and was told don't worry about it everything is documented.

      60 days pass and I see an Amazon charge on my bank account for $65.00. I check my Amazon account order history and nothing is there.

      I contact my bamk and report the glitch and they lock my debit card as standard Visa policy. Now - no debit card for 22 days.

      Two weeks after the new debit card arrives and everything is changed over - such as on line utility bills. I get a letter from Amazon saying that since the item was not returned on time, they did a charge back to my account. Which explains the charge I did not authorize.

      Furious - I show the bank what they did and the bank sides with me and gives me the money back.

      If it wasn't for documentation I would have been twice burned.

      It also took a couple of weeks to get the account closed because they (Amazon) still showed the case as pending. Not until I challenged legal action against Amazon did they immediately close the account.

      None of this wouldn't have happened if the first chat from India decided he would give me the credit for the one item that was bad. Of course, this would have never happened if I hadn't ordered the one box of 3 items to begin with.

      Now it's been more than a month without Amazon and I'm doing fine.

      I wonder when I shall pull the plug on my Ebay account. I dunno. That dang super 8 feature list is interesting.......


      • #4

        Minutes after posting my above reasons why I closed my Amazon account - I get a letter from my bank that the investigation into that matter is now complete - having something to do with regulation E what ever that means.....

        Luckily it was yet just another piece of documentation and all is good with my bank account.



        • #5
          Meanwhile on this side of the pond, I have good and bad issues with Amazon.
          Sadly they employ many lying scumbags as delivery drivers. They will ring doorbell, dump a delivery on the doorstep and drive away before we answer the door....and then mark the delivery as "Handed to resident". Lost count of the number of times this happens and complaints made.
          On the plus side Jan 23 bought an Integral SSD for one of my PCs. Has 3 year warranty. 17 months on numerous crashes, with message no boot drive. Suspected it was a Sata issue on MB but having swapped the SSD to a ghosted (cloned) spinner, realised it was the SSD. Corrupt segment not fixable via CHKDSK etc. Tried to get an RMA from Integral, request kept getting a refer to system integrator, which was me FFS...contacted Amazon who authorised return and refund within 5 mins. 5*s to Amazon, middle finger to Integral.
          A good case for having cloned backups and realising that SSDs can fail.

