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I think this is a first, for me.
Saturday ordered 2.5ltr of a particular brand of concentrated screenwash.
Last night it was delivered by Amazon. Thought I had screwed up, but NO the order was clearly on eBay and NOT Amazon.
Amazon has become a parcel service in their own right. Where I live, we have basically three sets of vans prowling the neighborhood and heaving packages up on our porch: Fed-Ex, UPS and Amazon. During the peak of the Season UPS sometimes delivers Amazon packages: maybe they also have an agreement that cuts the other way.
Were were at our local US Post Office one day when the UPS guy showed up.
We asked him "What are YOU doing here?" and he said "Subcontracting!".
Hi Steve
Don't think I have seen Amazon as a delivery option in the UK.
The parcel was also boxed and taped by Amazon.
BTW typical Amazon delivery, drivers rings doorbell, dumps parcel on doorstep and runs to his van, to get a gold star if he can drive off before the door is open 😳🤬
I think part of this might be that the Ebay seller has an Amazon prime account and when you pay for the order, he basically makes the order through Amazon
You have an eBay transaction, but the stock is shipped out of an Amazon warehouse
Next time, try Amazon directly and cut out the Ebay middleman and save yourself some money
It can annoy, as, if you are used to your shipment coming thru USPS, you have a pretty good idea as to when it will arrive. With Amazon, Fed-Ex ECT. You are never quite sure as to when it'll arrive. Earlier than you expect in the morning? Fairly late in the day? It's hard to plan for when it arrives, and you don't want your packages to become happy fodder for porch pirates
I think part of this might be that the Ebay seller has an Amazon prime account and when you pay for the order, he basically makes the order through Amazon
You have an eBay transaction, but the stock is shipped out of an Amazon warehouse
Next time, try Amazon directly and cut out the Ebay middleman and save yourself some money