I hope that I don’t repeat myself, but I have not found a similar thread…
…back in the days, there have been various „title generators“ for movie cameras. The simplest ones have been basically only a holder for a postcard-sized „title card“. Here’s one made by Hama that included an optional macro lens attachment (for cameras without macro lens):
It was also sold under other brand names here in Germany (herma, Revue, …). And of course, there are at least similar devices made in USA and Japan.
To come back to the topic: Some of these holders came with a nice set of „title cards“. Many of them are now faded or damaged. I tried to „restore“ them… I'll start with Disney:
I hope that I don’t repeat myself, but I have not found a similar thread…
…back in the days, there have been various „title generators“ for movie cameras. The simplest ones have been basically only a holder for a postcard-sized „title card“. Here’s one made by Hama that included an optional macro lens attachment (for cameras without macro lens):
To come back to the topic: Some of these holders came with a nice set of „title cards“. Many of them are now faded or damaged. I tried to „restore“ them… I'll start with Disney: