How good is your memory?, well a strange thing happened a couple of years ago. I had to take the car into a tyre company, that for years I always go to and while there and the mechanic was working on it, I noticed one of the owners, now retired at the back working on his sons racing mini. I asked would it be ok to go and have a look, sure, When I got to the car I started speaking to the owner while he was working on it, he was telling me that they lost the clutch at the last race meeting. Now this is where it got strange I talked about a particular "C" shaped thrust washer, he replied yes, when he worked on the engine the last time it must have fallen out. I replied that locking "C" ring has to be fitted with the crankshaft at TDC when you fit the flywheel, once the flywheel is on then it cannot fall out. We continued to have a good chat about the engine and I left thanking him.
But after I left, I started thinking how can I remember that about the thrust washer
, its been something like 50 years ago since I last worked on a mini engine. Now I will be 73 in a couple of days, what I now find is my short memory like what I did yesterday is slipping
, but long term memory seems to be increasing I think that it happens to most of us as our brains age
But I also wonder if its my almost daily visit to Muffin Break for a coffee helps the old brain cells as well
or is that just a coincidence?
But after I left, I started thinking how can I remember that about the thrust washer

But I also wonder if its my almost daily visit to Muffin Break for a coffee helps the old brain cells as well
