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Are some Hollywood blockbusters now Public Domain? They are in Youtube for free

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  • Are some Hollywood blockbusters now Public Domain? They are in Youtube for free

    Hi all,

    Youtube is known very strict with copyrights rule but lately I found some Hollywood blockbuster movies are in their platform. Here some examples:

    A Perfect World (1993) with Kevin Costner

    and you can find some other more.

    Since I am using free youtube, is this a public domain or youtube is lowering its policy?


  • #2


    • #3
      Anything that is on free Youtube may or may not be in the Public Domain. Youtube scans content being uploaded, and may warn you if the content may be copyrighted. They only take down content if the copyright owner complains. If you download copyrighted content, and try to show or sell that content, you are in the jeopardy of copyright infringement.

      Youtube has a good overview of legal issues at:


      • #4
        King Kong 1933 will be public domain on Jan. 1, 2029. Gone with the Wind, at least the movie, 6 years later.


        • #5
          Yes, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you aren't committing a crime if you download it. Did the person, whoever they are, pay for it? I'm betting not. You tube is as good as it is bad. I used to release my music videos to advertise my music, advertise it mind you, with links on the video for people to pay for a copy of the music. Nope, most people would just download the video, ( which I always had a lesser, earlier mix of the song in question, with the one they'd buy being much better), and what would people do? Download the music video, illegally, without my, the artists permission. Now here's the insult to injury, some of these people would then ask, "Hey! When is your next song coming out?", I was sooo tempted to say, "When are you actually going to buy my music, you (blankety blank blank!). You think I like trying to start a career, living in a trailer home with my family, and having people ripping me off by stealing my music?!? So, especially when it comes to motion pictures on the YouTube, you didn't pay for it, your a thief!


          • #6
            Several studios released a few films on YouTube to check whether they can make enough money from the ads or as an advertisement for their streaming platforms. E.g. I remember „Star Gate“ being officially available for „free“ on YouTube.
            I also remember several films released by Uwe Boll after him having problems with some distributors…

            However, it looks like „Perfect World“ has been released by someone who hasn’t got the permission. Hence, it’s already blocked here in Germany.
            Attached Files


            • #7
              Yes, always check who uploaded it. Some music videos are from legal uploads by the copyright owners, I suspect it is the same with films.


              • #8
                Some major films have lost copyright protection simply because no one remembered to re-new the original copyright. One film that comes to mind is the original "The Producers" which came out around 1968.


                • #9
                  Not exactly a blockbuster, but I recently used Youtube to source some audio for my super 8 copy of "The Day of the Triffids". I know for a fact that the BBC own the copyright, so there is no way it should be there. Handy, never the less.

                  I remember when DVD was new and I was buying lots of movies that I'd never seen before. One was "His Girl Friday". This had fallen into public domain, so I had a choice of one copy from an independent distributer which included a bonus documentary, or the other more expensive one from the original distributer. Well, how bad can the indy copy be I thought?

                  Stupid me; it was TERRIBLE! Looked like it was from a worn out rental 16mm print.

                  I went back and bought the distributer version and it was terrific.

                  Take from that what you will, but my thoughts are that "Public Domain" often means that someone can sell you a terrible copy of something and legally make a quick buck.


                  • #10
                    The Producers....... The Producers | Rotten Tomatoes

