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I seem to remember that the C5 was launched as a fun runabout that you didn't need a licence to drive (like an electric assisted bike) as it had pedals. The money from sales of that was supposed to fund an enclosed 2 seat electric only car, but as it didn't take off the money wasn't there for the real car. A pity as we could have been much more advanced in that field today in terms of numbers and pollution reduction.
This can't be street legal here: no seat belts, no ABS, and the whole car costs less than what an airbag system should. (20 MPH top speed! -and I bet that feels like a hundred!)
-still, it's kind of shocking they can produce a car for that price: even if you ignore the labor cost, the materials alone have to cost more than that.
-besides: what does it cost to ship something that big across the Pacific?
I think there is some untold story here: like they had a warehouse full of them and they are tired of paying the rent!
Maurice. Back in the mid 80's with a few of my chums got together to buy several C5's to drive on mass on the weekends, the daft things we came up with in young adult life. A few years ago we were in Margate UK walking the Charles Hawtrey seafront trail again and several restored C5's pulled up next to us I couldn't stop smiling. Some had custom wheels and the guys were really into the mini electric machines. Fun memories.
Oh just found a photo of the event
Last edited by Lee Mannering; June 12, 2020, 12:36 PM.