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Fantasia warning ...

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  • Fantasia warning ...

    There is a seller in Italy (I think) that is selling DVD's of the 1942 edited uncensored Fantasia, from a super 8 print, for approximately 6 dollars and some odd change. I don't have a problem with that ... It's just that for his screenshots, he shows the boxes, the reels and the projected image, instead of screenshots from the actual DVD copy. For the uninitiated, the auction looks like you are getting the print it itself, so beware. I am on my cellphone, so I can't put a link up to the auction.

  • #2
    This ?


    • #3
      Very good. Many thanks, Dominique. I should add that I am not saying that the seller is purposely meaning to defraud anybody, but that the way he is advertising his auction can be confusing, especially if you don't understand the language or how things are represented verbally.


      • #4
        Totally awful bootleg print. 🤮🤮Fit for bin.


        • #5
          Osi, from what I understand, you don't get even dvds but a link to a file for you to make your own disc. Mike, the seller is clear about the fact the the super 8 pirate copy is now red but has some footage you cannot see elsewhere.


          • #6
            I have to say I think the seller is being quite clear on what’s for sale and the price is only €6. But, yes, I guess if somebody jumps on it because of the pics, without reading, they might be disappointed.


            • #7
              Well summarized, Michael, but it's actually € 5 ($ 6)


              • #8
                Walt Disney’s original vision was that Fantasia would never be finished and that segments would be always added,deleted, updated or changed. The original 1940 version has not been available since 1968. There are uncut versions of Fantasia on DVD and Blu Ray which include the recent edits made for pc reasons. To be honest the cuts are very minor and you can understand why they have made. Link to you tube attached which shows the differences.


                Last edited by Mike Newell; January 30, 2021, 12:58 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Dominique De Bast View Post
                  Well summarized, Michael, but it's actually € 5 ($ 6)
                  My view of the listing shows EUR 6.00.
                  How strange!
                  In any case, my point is that it’s pretty cheap 😁


                  • #10
                    Michael, for a reason I don't know, some items are more expensive on eBay UK than on eBay France. I don't know if it's a seller choice but when I noticed that, I found that unfair.

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20210131-182410.png
Views:	365
Size:	561.3 KB
ID:	27286


                    • #11
                      I have just clicked on Dominique's link, and the price is EUR 5.00, also shown as approximately US $6.07.
                      I think I got beaten to it.



                      • #12
                        I hope that someday, Disney studios will release the "uncut" Fantasia. I mean, when Warner Bros. put out they're Golden Collection s on DVD, they had intros by Whoopee Goldberg stating that "these films are a product of they're times" , and then released the unedited cartoons. I hope that Disney will have the same decency to do so instead of just caving to the "PC" crowd.


                        • #13
                          How very strange!
                          when I click on the link, I get this:


                          • #14
                            When you buy it through you are lucky enough to pay your contribution for getting our sovereignty back!
                            It's a small price (20% VAT on all imported goods) to pay for the golden mountains that await us around the corner!


                            • #15
                              I am so glad I have it on VHS. Purchased some years ago with re mastered sound in Dolby surround. I do not know if there is a later version released on DVD or Blu ray. Picture quality is good as the Epson upscales the image. Ken Finch.

