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John Clancy is a longtime expert on all film guages and these days, on many assorted digital formats with a depth of knowledge on what makes this digital transfer better than that one ... And I am most honored to call him a cherished friend. It is great to see his reviews taking off so well.
Another great 4K Blu Ray review by John. His YouTube website has quickly become one of the most praised of collector web sites, with superbly informative and entertaining presentations by John. I love his many anecdotes and references to super 8mm prints and the joy of watching film, even in this 4K world. So if you want 4K reviews by a real expert, or if you want to learn a lot about film that you thought you knew and did'nt, this is the place to go:
By the way we did watch the blu-ray a few weeks ago, since then I have picked up the 4k version as well, which I must add includes the blu-ray. My thinking was that this blu-ray included might be better than the early release, if they used the 4k as master. I could have it all wrong, but at the new price of only $25 dollars and the fact we have now a 4k TV its well worth getting while its still available.
We did watch the original "2012" blu-ray Universal "100th anniversary edition" which in itself is very good, that one includes a little booklet which you don't get with the 4k.
Graham and Paul - finally saw it and what a great review!
John Clancy really provides a great insight to how these films were actually made and a lot of the obstacles that had to be overcome to bring them to the big screen - especially when you had to wait until the next day to see the (next) 'dailies'....proper old-school film making 😉
Well I just had to watch both Jaws 1 and Jaws 2 blu-ray on the Epson over the last few nights. However afterwards I had a listen to the LP soundtrack. If you want to hear the full depth of the music to Jaws, do look out for a good condition LP. I was fortunate to get one a while back in excellent condition.
The great thing with a vinyl LP like this, is that all the extra stuff that is mixed into the film track is not there, hence for me a greater appreciation of John Williams music, you can hear so much more.
OH! I still close my eyes at that severed head, there is no way I will watch that scene, I am still suffering the effects from 1975, its still stuck in my brain.
It seems like a million years ago since we went to see it at the cinema when it came out.....and all that screaming
Came across this photo on the internet of a cinema somewhere....ah! the good ole days.
Filming was done during the summer of 1974 that's 47 years ago. Its a movie that had not aged a bit,....... just us
Some early screen shots of a previous VP/blu-ray....
The level of detail on the blu-ray is something you don't get watching a film print. I noticed a camera etc, plus light deflector in shot while watching it a while back