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Just wandering through Ebay I noticed a 35mm film for sale of John Travolta's Broken Arrow. The seller says it is on a 24 inch ( I assume diameter) reel and is not sure if it is the full film.
Question: What would be the running time of a 35mm film on this reel? Anybody know/estimate ?
35mm film with four perfs per frame (the usual release print format) = 16 frames per foot.
That's 90 feet per minute at 24fps.
"Broken Arrow" runs 1hr48 so that's approx 5 double (2000ft) reels + 1 single (1000ft) reel of 35mm. I suspect the "4-5-6-7" on the label of the reel in the auction refers to single reels 4 thru 7, so yes, about 4000ft: less than half the feature.