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The problem is it's a Welsh name and Welsh puts different sounds to the same letters as other languages.
I saw a Welsh place name once. I said I'd never seen a word without a vowel. The Welsh speaker that posted it said "You still haven't: 'w' is a vowel in Welsh.".
-as English speakers, we basically lack the software to pronounce that name!
(I think you'd need to be able to take a really deep breath, too!)
The problem is it's a Welsh name and Welsh puts different sounds to the same letters as other languages.
I saw a Welsh place name once. I said I'd never seen a word without a vowel. The Welsh speaker that posted it said "You still haven't: 'w' is a vowel in Welsh.".
-as English speakers, we basically lack the software to pronounce that name!
(I think you'd need to be able to take a really deep breath, too!)
Yes in Welsh W is exactly that double "U" ("UU"). I learnt that from the beer named Cwch, which seems to mean something like "Cuddle".
Mine was "Tan y Bwlch", a station along the Ffestiniog railway.
-as I understand it, pronounced "boolchh" (or "buulchh" if you like!).
This is the problem with learning new languages: you have to adopt these new ways of pronouncing the same alphabet, but then remember to reverse gears when speaking your own language.
I've been taking German a couple of years now, and every so often I pronounce a word like "Shtuttgart" or "Visebier" when speaking English and get funny looks from people!
Some of our best holidays camping in sunshine and storms...even a flooded camp site with children canoeing past your tent REELY!
Here's a few snaps from the archive.
Festiniog Railway.
The year Lake Bala overflowed and our tents went floating with us all in them in a foot of water. Amazingly just about everyone was laughing and our foster children had a memorable holiday with us.
Wonderful times .... Was testing a new Camcorder for Panasonic at the time but these were shot with a Nikon.
Dom you would love Wales but take some 9-5 or 8mm film with you so much to capture.
It's just a shame that the railway in your last picture, Lee, is having financial trouble, it is in administration the operating company is bankrupt, and if facing a sale of all it's assets. The support group is fundraising to buy them. https://www.llangollen-railway.co.uk/