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Who remembers "The Onedin Line"?, I have to admit I don't watch much TV these days, but this week they are running the old TV series "The Onedin Line" 1971-80 and enjoying it, great music. I had not watched it since the 1970s They don't make them like this anymore.....pity.
The Onedin Line was on broadcast TV here when I was a teenager. My Dad worked nights, so mid-afternoon was kind of like morning for him and he watched this show every day before he went to work.
I remember the music too, and only a few months ago looked for the series' theme on YouTube.
I kept thinking about it as an audio connector The One DIN Line, mind you passing an Ondine Road on my way to Technical College every day for a while didn't help.
'Tis a fine sea-fairin' tale! -'bout a hard workin' young man who buys another man's ship, and winds up gettin' married to his daughter in the bargain!
-Tis a tale of times long past, of hard work, rough seas and lives naught so easy!
Kind'a tale where two old friends just back from the sea sit across a table at a dockside pub:
So how be ye?
Oh, dysentery all last week!
-still better than smallpox.
-the kind of tale that makes you glad to be alive....200 years later!
Still watching "The Onedin Line" series on TV at the moment, they put in on about 4.50pm until just before 6 pm. I have only missed a few episodes so far, tonight it was "Honour and Obey" 1979
Its about the only thing I watch on TV except for the Olympics at the moment. After many years with our old TV of late, we went out and bought a 65 inch that was on special. The picture looks great its certainly a far cry from our old second hand 14 inch B/W, that we once used back in the early 1980s that's for sure.
The Onedin Line was essential viewing for my mum on a Sunday evening way back when. It used to go out on BBC1 at 7.25pm and she was hooked. Myself and my sister liked it too......... except dad didn't.
He took great pleasure in spotting all the technical faults both as a TV programme and also, having spent time at sea (not on sailing ships however), in all the inaccurate procedures they were using whilst at sea and taking great pleasure in pointing them out to us.......every time!
The biggest regular insult was referring to it as the One Din (1din) line.
............ Oh.... those Sunday night rows...................!!!!