I have only been part of this forum for a few months, but am staggered by the depth of knowledge for all things cine that the members have. There seems to be no end of people worldwide who rush forward to assist other members with their cine problems. Some members posting several posts in a day. Lee Mannering’s input is fabulous, he is even composing a tune in tribute to Eumig. Fantastic. All keep up the good work. Happy Screenings
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Great Forum
I couldn't agree more. What's truly special is meeting Forum folk in person! Please check out the Upcoming Film Conventions & Events thread and make plans to get together with an amazing group of people.
Technically it started even earlier than 2003, but there was a server crash. Today's GOF begins at the re-boot and this was when I joined. (It was the same year my son arrived and now he's a freshman in college!)
The original-original 8mm Forum was something special: Derrick Simmonds was a member. Remnants of it still exist of the WayBack machine.
The second original and the current version are pretty good too!