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This weekend the wonderful Bluebell Railway celebrates its 60th year in steam. This was delayed from last year due to el virus. A good time to show a Bluebell railway film as a few were issued on Super 8.
Raise a glass to the pioneers that saved the line and engines.
It's true: these volunteers do amazing things. They sacrifice their time and money, and even the occasional marriage to rebuild these lines. Just like the people that preserve sailing ships or rebuild ancient villages, they keep history alive. Reading history is one thing, getting hands-on is another.
Here's a bunch working in a museum engine shed near Stuttgart a couple of days after Christmas in 2018. It couldn't have been much above freezing that day and their fingers must have been pretty numb. They were busy, but not so much they couldn't welcome a visiting railfan (-all the way from New York!) and speak the common language (-that being trains!). .
This is a scan from the latest newsletter of a museum I belong to up on the Maine Coast. These two gents have been working the wheel lathe today, making hundred year old wheel sets round again so the trains will be nice and smooth. .
-did I mention? -this is narrow gauge. (Either that or the men are eleven feet tall!)