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I had the pleasure of seeing Laurel & Hardy at Weston-super-Mare's open air swimming pool in July 1947.
Each year, in the summer months, "The Pool" had weekly "Modern Venus" competitions for ladies, the winner of each heat then went into the grand final. It was the management's plan to invite celebrities for the final judging, these were usually the then current attraction at the "Bristol Hippodrome". This year it was Laurel & Hardy.
As I lived only yards away I got there early to get a front row seat around the water. Their famous tune announced the boys arrival. They slowly walked around the water's edge, Stan continually "tripping" and being saved by Olly from falling in the water.
It was quite an afternoon's fun time of which I still have vivid memories.
Maurice that's a fantastic memory. How fabulous to have seen the boys in real life. That beauty contest features in the latest Laurel and Hardy magazine funnily enough. There's photos sent in by one of the contestants granddaughter. I know there's newsreel and lots of photos from this event, so who knows, you may be on some of them?
Can't get to Stockport but enjoyed 'Saps at Sea' on talking pictures tv yesterday so got my fix from that!