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James Bond Museum closed and sold

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  • James Bond Museum closed and sold

    Very sad to hear the Bond Museum that was at Keswick UK has been closed and sold off, underwater cars, the whole lot.
    I hope the new Miami collector appreciates the history of all the remarkable items that were in the collection and they do not get separated for massive gain.
    ​​We made several trips to it, having great days with the likable fan staff and will miss it very much.
    Will never forget sitting in that car .....

  • #2
    Yes, this is very sad to hear…
    But memories like Yours will last forever!


    • #3
      I am shaken, but not stirred.


      • #4
        Lee you can edit any forum entries for errors to avoid meaningless sentences.

        ’Remarkable items that were in the collection and they to not get separated from massive gain. Gain. we make seval

        Happy Screenings


        • #5
          For those in Florida, you will be pleased that while it is closed here in London, the whole collection is being moved to Miami, Florida.
          Last edited by Tom Photiou; September 07, 2021, 01:43 PM.


          • #6
            I've deleted a bit of political humor, because whether it's a joke or not, it is still political. And since that joke is gone, the comments made in reference to that joke are also gone. Yes, I've used my License to Kill....posts.

            Phil - Please bear in mind that we all make mistakes and the time that a post can be edited is limited. The typos have been taken care of.

            Lee - Do you have any pictures from your museum trips that you could post?


            • #7
              There is some confusion here.

              The James Bond exhibition in Keswick closed ten years ago prior to its move to Miami.
              The Bond Museum in Keswick closes its doors, collection moving to Miami - James Bond 007 :: MI6 - The Home Of James Bond (

              The Bond In Motion in London has just closed.
              Bond In Motion exhibit in London closes permanently - James Bond 007 :: MI6 - The Home Of James Bond (


              • #8
                Thank you Doug. I don't want to make a thing of it but some of us on here and elsewhere live with long standing disability that you cant see and in my case you will have the bonus of being able to see the typed results from one of its effects. Those who know me are used to it as its progressed in recent years and I would not wish 'the problem' on anyone.
                All I can say is please read between my lines posted or read something else more meaningful elsewhere. Thankfully the enthusiasm for REEL film is permanent.
                Moving on 😎

                Always remember the young lads on the door who oozed enthusiasm for Bond history and a REEL joy to see it. I do have photos of it so will sort some and pop up as we go along but the museum was very special indeed.
                God bless and keep well.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	A Bond Museum.jpg
Views:	263
Size:	67.4 KB
ID:	42158



                • #9
                  Lee, I was not aware of the problems that you have so apologies for my observation on your post. I am also in the unseen disability category but it affects me in other ways.

                  Best wishes and Happy Screenings


                  • #10
                    Looks like the Museums contents have at least been acquired by someone keen to carry on exhibiting them to enthusiasts across the pond. Talking of Mr Bond , I always rate the first one Dr No as being the best so far, Connery was by far the most convincing in this role, different strokes for different folks .
                    John Mr


                    • #11
                      True John. I love hearing collectors talk about who was the most liked Bond. For me it will be Tim Dalton followed by Mr Brosnan and guess preference depends on our age at the time. Tim was excellent for me, nice to see some of his props in the exhibition back then.


                      • #12
                        You Only Live Twice has to be my forever stand-out Bond!

                        -It's Summer, 1967: I am five years old and a few weeks away from starting Kindergarten. Mom and Dad have rented a cabin on a lake at a summer camp way upstate New York. There is a drive-in movie down the road. The movie that weekend was You Only Live Twice, and we went.

                        There we sit in my Mom's 1966 Mustang coupe (289 CID V8, yellow) with a speaker dangling in the driver's window, and Sean Connery is getting down to business: James Bond style!

                        Mom and Dad were a little concerned about that opening scene in the Murphy bed with Mr. Bond and the young lady, and those intrusive fellows with the machine guns, given the impressionable five and twelve year olds in the back seat. A short lifetime of Bugs Bunny and Road Runner had not prepared us for this much sex and violence! In later years when I was the Dad, I might have faked some kind of coronary incident to distract the kid, but Mom and Dad were completely blind-sided!

                        I can't speak for my sister, but I was years away from being equipped with the hormones to be at all impressed by Sir Sean and his lady friend. What DID bother me was them dumping that nice car in the ocean with a helicopter! (Even then, especially then, I liked cars! I didn't have to pay for them yet!)

                        Mom, Dad, the Drive-In, the Mustang and the summer camp are all memories today. Only my sister and I are here to remember the tale. Traumatized or not, it's a treasured memory for me!


                        • #13
                          I always enjoyed Roger Moore James Bond films during the 1970-80s, who can forget Sheriff JW Pepper


                          • #14
                            My feeling is that while many actors have played James Bond, Sean Connery was James Bond!


                            • #15
                              To me, Roger Moore came within range, but Sean Connery set the standard!

                              We're lucky he avoided political office: somebody with that kind of charisma could become dangerous!

