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I do not assume everyone is on Facebook . This is the only link to the subject matter . If you do not care about what Alberto does or doesn't do , why did you go there ? And I don't care who does or doesn't have Facebook .
Go troll somewhere else .
Dave, at no time in my post did I imply that you assumed everyone is on Facebook, but I did assume, possibly incorrectly, that Alberto did since he made his post not accessible to non-members. Most people who promote their work on Facebook make their postings available to the general public so that non members can access them without logging in.
Many years ago I knew a guy, now long gone, who operated a 16mm film cleaning service near Philadelphia. He tended to do a great job. I was curious to see Alberto's work.
Impressive....Alberto is providing a number of useful services to collectors. Revitalizing color prints (when technically possible), magnetic striping and soundtrack recording. I might have missed it in the other Movie Magnetic threads, but is there a website link?
Dave You are not alone I also have the subtitled B&W and added the sound track earlier this year great fun.
He is not just Alberto he is THE GREAT ALBERTO! Keep up the great work young man.
He also undertook to overstripe a film of mine with very thin stripe at my own risk obviously. He did a fine job and it stuck allowing a fresh stereo track to be recorded.
We used to have a small business here in the UK with a lovely man operating his mini lab from a loft in the house where he could print 9.5,16mm Standard 8 to SUPER 8 and was so useful. The films he did for me are still good as were his over paste sound striping.
Now long gone now...
I once tried to master a vintage striping machine, (I think it was actually detailed on the "vintage" 8mm forum), but I could never get it to work properly, which was unfortunate, as, it had 4 or 5 extra "reels" of mag stripe to it. I admire anyone who can master it, AND on an industrial level.
I believe Alberto uses liquid a oxide mix to stripe as with Derann etc - even more difficult that laminate stripe. You should read how much trouble Derek and Ged had with their machine - so, much kudos to Alberto.