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Just been watching Peter Jackson talking about his revival of the Beatles earlier movie project.
I have "Let It Be" on Super 8 from Derann (about 100ft). Could this have been from the same session/s? The Beatles: Get Back - Wikipedia
The 100' Let It Be song was featured in the original Let It Be film which was the same January 1969 sessions featured in the new Get Back film but even more so, at a total running time of approx. 6 hours.
This Beatle purist wants it to go further....... a separate film for EVERY day of the sessions. Let us see, once and for all, ALL the footage that was shot of this musically historical occasion. (the extras on a blu ray ???!!!!)
I'm very surprised by the picture quality. It looks like 35mm but is shot on 16mm, and then cropped for 16x9. Perhaps some sort of AI used during the transfer?
6 hours !! 1 hour would be enough. If only John Lennon was alive with his sarcastic wit.
Funny, how the greed of the Beatles that prevented their music being broadcast or available to download has virtually made their music invisible to the under 40s. I have come across a couple of younger colleagues who had no idea who they were.
I don't think you are being fair to the Beatles Mike. Most of their fans are now in their 70s. My wife being one of them !! They used the media of their day. How many 40 somethings would know or want to know about them or their contemporaries ? They did do quite a few broadcasts in their day as well as a few films. The younger generation are just not interested. Why download when you can get their LPs and CDs for peanuts from a charity shop. Ken Finch.