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Silly people

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  • Silly people

    Some people seem to be living in fantasy land, I was offered a Standard 8 print of psycho for £350 pounds.
    I have just bought a copy of Scrooge for £40.
    Please get real

  • #2
    I take it as for some it's their last chance to make a bob or two for whatever reason. Can't really knock it. It should be like it's not really there if it's too expensive or just too much for what it is. So if something I really want it more than I'm willing to pay, then should I buy it or should I relax and move on. Price has value too. If I sell a print for any value. What value does yhat have to the community. If some one who creates prints sells a print then to the community there's the potential of an other.
    Bottom line, don't buy Psycho. Wait it out till it's a reasonable price. Hopefully that price will suit you but still be too expensive for others. I'm on your side. There should be enough copies of everything for all to enjoy and at £€€10 a pop. I think real is real. If it sells for 350 then good for them. The buyer is rich and can buy what they want when they want. Or that's their limit and they're out. The next item they just can't bid on as they have no money. Oh! Hold on, taking about myself here
    Do you know the little wheels on the exit of a Eumig 700 series? Whatever you do don't ask a seller if they're all there. Cuz, after they check, the price goes up by 75quid!


    • #3
      This is the inevitable consequences, so to speak, of people seeing the freak over the top sales, price-wise, and then thinking that they can make a killing as well.


      • #4
        That may be true, however in the case of Psycho, I have heard that the Standard 8mm print is superior to the Super 8mm. The 35mm source material was supposed be top quality.


        • #5
          I also think that the Standard 8 print contains some extra footage that wasn't on early DVD/Blu Rays as it was from an English negative and the others from a more censored US one. The omission was mentioned on DVD forums. My Derann 200ft Standard 8 extract also contains some of those extra shots.
          I don't know if the Super 8 version used a different negative.

