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Hi Adam,
Looks good and I'd like to see the movie. I may be late in this topic, but if you do have interest from festivals and distributors, it seems like to already release the movie on bluray/DVD is selling yourself short. If I made a feature, which I plan to, I'd hold off on releasing my labor of love until I've given it as much of a chance as possible with festivals and distributors; They usually want an exclusive release and I imagine that would take patience on your end.
I do wish you the best of luck. Perhaps we can work together on a project. I live in NJ, which is not too far from Ohio.
Hey guys, I am excited to announce that the film is now available to stream on Amazon! Now you all have a chance to see it! Just follow the link below. I would greatly it if you left us a star rating/review for the film. Be as honest as you like! lol.
You know it would probably be beneficial for you to make it free for prime members, at least for the first few months. This would generate publicity, word of mouth and reviews, making it far more likely people will actually rent it down the road.
Never go by reviews on the internet. I can't count the number of times a film has bad reviews and is a real winner and Visa versa, some 5 star Oscar winning films I'll watch and wonder, What have these people been smoking to make such a gawd awful film?!
Mitchell, Thank you for your suggestions but the distributor knows what they are doing. They make those decisions. I trust them 100%. It will be available for prime members in the coming months.