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Yes Maurice they all do, however in the UK your Blu-ray player will play only blu-ray discs that are zone "B" ,regarding the DVD side of things some of them will not be "multi-zone" only Region 2. However with a bit of research there are Blu-ray players like my 3D Pioneer one, that will play "B" Blu-ray, also its a "All region" DVDs, Pal/NTSC basically any DVD you throw at it.
Of course, we are are Region 2 in the UK for DVDs. I assume that a Blue-Ray bought in this country will play OK.
I have a Sony Freeview Hard drive recorder that also plays standard DVDs that I use for my collection. I also have a Panasonic Freesat Hard drive recorder that says it's a Blu-ray Disc Recorder (DMR-BS780/8880). This I only use for hard drive recording using an old Sky dish as all the wiring was in situ.
I am interested in the new Universal release of Paul Whiteman's 1930 King Of Jazz (in two-strip Technicolor) but it only seems to be available in Blu-Ray. Some recent issues from the BFI come in a two disc package, one DVD and one Blu-Ray, but this doesn't seem to be the case with the Paul Whiteman film.
So, I assume my Panasonic will play this new disc. The Instruction book says that it will play:-
I must admit all these terms are a complete mystery to me.