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Fights 😡tend to be over men/ women (sex) or money not a bald shaved head which bears no resemblance to the illness she allegedly claims to have contracted.
Bad Boyz 4 Film is also now on hold, Least it will give him more time at home to polish Oscar which ironically is also bald 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lots of publicity but who won again.? Can’t wait for the fossils sorry Academy to make an announcement on punishment.
Think the Grammys could be entertaining this year. Kanye West is nominated and he is certifiable at the best of times plus Marilyn Manson is also nominated and is under a cloud of rape allegations so event could be targeted for protests.
She does in fact have that condition, Mike, it is well documented. Funny about the Bald Oscar, though. Honestly, even I am starting to get bored with it. As for Bad Boys 4, do we REALLY need it?
10 years banned hopefully his career is finished but no doubt fickle Hollywood will try to rehab him. Hopefully public will decide and he will be toast. End of story.
I get the feeling that Will Smith is laughing his arse off at all this, and I am betting that Smith got good loving that night of the Oscars. Women, no matter how much they say they want a sensitive man, when the chips are down, want a man that when they feel threatened or insulted, turns into a slobbering neanderthal and beats the brains out of that jerk. In other words, an insensitive, John Wayne of man. It's not progressive, it just biology.