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Is this a condition without hope of coming back from? If so, what a sadness. I have enjoyed his tongue in cheek, wise cracking attitude ever since his days on " Moonlighting". I have Die Hard, super 8 scope stereo, and I even have one of his LP's when he did a short stint as a blues singer, by name of "Bruno"
... and he is only 67. Of course, he's not dead yet, and fingers crossed for Bruce that medicine might just come a with cure or at least, medicine to treat it.
On a positive note, a famous person such as Willis, coming out about a medical condition like this, will help a lot of people, who may have never realized what might well be going on in they're own bodies.
I think it comes from an injury or stroke. I suspect there have been issues for a number of years with him. He made 21 direct to DVD movies in the last two years. 2 million a go and he only featured briefly in any of them. They were sold on his name. I see the Razzies have rescinded his Worst Actor award now his medical status has become known. Better organisation than the Oscars.
You can add brain tumor, or a virus to that list, either way its not good. While I was undergoing radiation a few months ago, I got to know some who were going through treatment for types of brain tumors. The number of people I saw going through radiation for the head area was surprising, also the side effects were terrible. One chap I spoke to, told me he was finished with treatment, he added though, that the side effects on radiation to his head had become to much, and decided that was it for him. I spent 33 days going to that radiation department, thankfully not for my head, but the people I met there on a daily basis for radiation to the brain area, some had come to the conclusion time was sadly quickly running out.
Back in the 1990s my son had a friend who was only 13 years old, he started to walk into things losing his balance, he landed up in hospital and later died, they suspect his brain was effected by some kind of virus. They never really did find out the why, but it was slow downhill battle over many months. The medical staff at the hospital I should add, did try everything, but in the end it was not to be.
Anything to do with the brain area is really dangerous, that's why I cringe when I see folk on scooters not wearing a helmet. Steven my son had a friend who he had gone to primary school with, he came of his motor scooter in his early 20s and hit his head on the gutter, this was about five years ago. His helmet was not on right and had come off, sadly the back of his head took the full impact. We went to his funeral two weeks later.
If you have at present good health, enjoy it as much as possible as things can change on you in many ways very quickly.