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for anything even "slightl" fragile or valuable - it is DPD..ONLY for me ALL the time. Whilst Hermès are pretty awful...Royal Mail/ParcelFarce...aren't much better especially for prices and claiming money back!!
Looks like Royal Mail have cut their parcel prices on the latest round of changes to postal charges. 'Medium' size parcels have had huge cuts in price.
For instance, a very heavy 20kg parcel was previously £34.40 1st class signed for but is now £14.05.
A 2kg parcel was £10.02 1st class signed for but is now £8.05.
Anything between 2kg and 10kg is now at one flat rate (£9.05 1st class signed for).
Royal Mail have been cutting themselves out of the parcel market for years will silly prices once past 2kg.
From what I heard at a union AGM (CWU) from the postal side members they thought that Royal Mail was concentrating on the parcel side and not letters. The increase in letter charges and reduction in parcels charges seems to bear that out.
Well I would of thought reducing the parcel charges so the parcel service is used much more was to build that sdie back up for RM, so less goes to Parcel2go etc.
RM apparently make more on parcels than letters.
In fact I did hear the daft situation where other companines do letter mail but use RM as the end deliverer costs RM money as they pay RM less than the actual cost, so RM suppliment the competition daftly.
For me it’s UPS every time. Very fast delivery and never a problem, but then I do take care when parcelling up, which of course is elementary when dealing with the sort of equipment we send.
The worst example I’ve had with Hermes was a Blu ray delivered to me sodden wet squashed with a car tyre tread on the packaging. Case and Blu ray destroyed. Shoved through the letterbox by driver who ran away. I would never use the to post anything.