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I watched the Derann extract "Walking in the Air" in his memory. That has the introduction by Raymond Briggs that is missing from the You Tube video which starts just as it ends.
As Brian mentioned the intro by Raymond Briggs is missing in the above link, what you see in the Super 8 release is Raymond Briggs not only talking, but the man himself is walking across the field at the start.
One of the things of interest is that its Peter Auty that sings "Walking In The Air" number, there is a interview between Mr Briggs and the film makers that he was disappointed that Peter Auty did not get any credit. The fact was he did not have an agent at the time. Mr Briggs was relieved to find out that, this mistake was going to be fixed on the DVD release and Peter Auty name was going to be added, at last to the credits.
The Snowman was a big hit for Derann, released in mono or stereo, full length 600ft, plus as a 200footer. The print quality I found to slightly better on the 600 footer than the 200ft release. In saying that, that could just be my particular print. By the way, all the 16mm prints I have come across only have the instrumental version of "Walking In The Air" something to be aware of if you get it on 16mm
The very last cinema that I worked at in the U.K was Raymond Briggs's local, as he lived literally around the corner. He could be found in the cinema several times a week, as he was a great film buff and also being an honorary member of our film society.
To say that you would have no idea that you were in the presence of a total genius is a understatement, as he was an ordinary, down to earth grumpy old git.
He would moan and complain about everything, even when there was nothing to complain about. so much so I once said to him " we all now know where the character Father Christmas came from " to which he he turn to me raised his eyebrow and smiled.
The likes of this man's talent as a gifted artist and storyteller will never be seen again, and yet his wonderful charming story books will live on for generations to come.
R.I.P my friend.
I came across this LP a few years back in excellent condition from 1983, its worth looking out for. Side A Bernard Cribbins narrates the story of The Snowman.