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Pictures That Prove Disney Has Ruined Cinderella With It's Blu-Ray Version
And I thought that they screwed up with Snow White! They majorly bungled this! My gawd, I hope that they don't give Fantasia the same "treatment". The horror of this is that the original artists, gave each detail to they're creation that they desired. These films/stories are planned out for years before they even go into production, ( for instance, in the early 40's film, "The Reluctant Dragon" we are given a tour of the Disney studio, and you can see in one scene, a figurine, for study, of Captain Hook, for a film that would not reach screens until ten years later), and every detail is necessary. Those that conduct these computer wipes of they're classics, have no conscience about these works of art, as they have nothing more invested in the work than seeing it as a cash cow.
I am currently reading a biography of Walt Disney by Neal Gabler (excellent read) and now knowing his absolutely crazy obsessive passion for perfection, he would be quaking in his boots if he knew this was all going on. I still can't understand why the current Disney organisation is not putting on the slammers to this release as surely they should see it is of inferior quality ?
Why is this being debated. This dreadful presentation of Cinderella in blu ray is old news first coming to light in 2018! As are the dreadful blu rays of Sword in the Stone and Mickeys Christmas Carol.
Why is this being debated. This dreadful presentation of Cinderella in blu ray is old news first coming to light in 2018! As are the dreadful blu rays of Sword in the Stone and Mickeys Christmas Carol.
Possibly because the original poster had just seen the (undated) on-line article mentioned.