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Using some Electrical Solvent Cleaner might help. The type that dries quickly leaving no residue. I also use this for cleaning the film path using a q-tip (cotton bud). As you mention it may be a sticker you could try some Label Remover.
When itβs a leftover of a sticker, then use a hairdryer for a few seconds (maybe 10s). The heat should allow you to easily remove this stuff.
But be careful not to "overheat" the bag. Otherwise the leatherette might dissolve.
If you were in the UK then you could create a weepy back story and then apply to be on BBC's Repair Shop... except it's not been recommissioned .
I would try Methylayted Spirit in a small area to establish what it is. Label remover is great BUT needs lots of ventilation and needs to be carefully tested as it may damage the surface.