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Yes thats a Big DVD / Bluray Collection, has any one here from USA visited this Rental Store.
Here is another Movie Store of Interest in Christchurch New Zealand, also has a Cinema.
Yes thats a Big DVD / Bluray Collection, has any one here from USA visited this Rental Store.
Here is another Movie Store of Interest in Christchurch New Zealand, also has a Cinema.
Yes, Rodney I have been to Scarecrow many times. The pandemic hit the store very hard. Luckily they are now a not-for=profit organization and they are back to regular hours. My favorite day to go is on Wednesdays when they offer two rentals for the price of one. You can visit their website for more information. You really can't browse the collection unless you visit the store. If you are looking for any particular title, their is a search function on the website.
The video store in Christchurch look interesting. That is the same way Scarecrow in Seattle started. It was a private business that changed hands a few times until a group bought it and eventually turned it into a non-profit organization that curates the large collection of many forms of media (except film ).