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Beyond Words !

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  • Beyond Words !

    I have always had a passion and interest for cinema architecture, from the first time I ever entered a cinema in my life. I was gripped.
    Obviously this was many years before the invention of the internet, so the only way of educating myself on the subject was with good old books. One book in particular has always stayed in my mind, it was a book about cinemas in north London, and it featured many photos on one particular cinema.
    This was one of the most outrageous pieces of futuristic art deco ever built, especially for the U.K.
    The cinema was the Dominion Harrow, it opened in 1936 and originally seated 2500, and was one of architect Frank Ernest Bromige’s masterpieces.
    It was believed that the inspiration for the facade came from fritz lang's Metropolis.
    The cinema was taken over by Associated British Cinemas (ABC) only after one month from opening, and they operated it till 1972.

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    In 1962 it was re-named ABC, at this time it was then decided to cover over the beautiful Art Deco façade with metal cladding. You know, to give it that prefab bus depot-wherehouses look, something really beautiful and attractive. What on this planet were they thinking of !!
    In the early 70s the main auditorium was split into two, and continued to operate as a cinema till 2021.

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    The council purchased the building in 2021 with the view of demolishing the building to make way for a new block of flats. While they were ripping off the metal cladding, they discovered what remains of the original art deco facade.
    One bright spark from the council then suggested that they should restore the facade, and have this as the entrance for the new flats. BRILLIANT IDEA !!!!
    If only there wasn't one big problem. When they demolished the auditorium end of the building they forgot to shore up the facade. It is now a pile of rubble.
    Nobody from the council will talk about it, all of the local residents are demanding that the building stands exactly as they were promised, with the facade.
    Good luck with that one.

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    When is this world going to learn, the likes of these buildings will never be repeated or will never be seen again, just another concrete monstrosity to take its place.

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  • #2
    Wouldn't expect anything else from dickheads in the council.
    Someone probably realised how much they would save just getting shot of it to rebuild a modern cheap and nasty block of flats. An "accidently on purpose" error I suspect. Shame though.


    • #3
      \Well they did save the facade of the Forum, later Virgin, at Ealing, though the promised cinema in the development never happened it seems


      • #4
        I watched a film in the Dominion when it was in its original form whilst staying with relatives who used to live in the area. I cannot remember what film it was but it was sometime in the 1950s in my teens. It has suffered the fate of many of the 1930s cinemas. Fortunately, some have survived, if only the facade and the building itself thanks to the efforts of The Cinema Theatre Association who work hard to get them listed and or parts of the interior preserved. If it wasn’t for their efforts many more would no longer exist. Ken Finch.😔

