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BFCC 2023, 66th

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  • BFCC 2023, 66th

    Good to see old friends and make some new ones today at the new venue for the BFCC, too many to mention!!!

    A good venue, though the bright sunlight did cause some difficulty keeping the light off the screen (not direct sunlight, but it leaks in anywhere it can!!!). Super 8 and 35mm this time for the film shows, plus a few 4k video pieces in between. New releases were featured as well as old favourites.

    A good turn out from dealers and customers, so hopefully this will continue. Flyers were distributed for the next Big Screen Scene Revival in October and Blackpool in November, I hope to see every one there as well.

    I'm too tired to download photos and post tonight (and possibly to make much sense in this post), possibly later.