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Alien bodies revealed at Mexican Congressional hearing..
Those „bodies“ are real - and they are really as old as stated in the article. But that’s it. The skulls inside these sculptures are from llamas, the other bones are from several different animals, … . And whether the DNA test was performed correctly, is unclear.
All serious institutions that have been involved in the examination never concluded that these „bodies“ are extraterrestrial. They only checked their age etc. and stated that the bones inside aren’t human. In the presentation in Mexico, their results have been altered and extended. Hence one can assume that the whole content of the presentation is a great swindle.
The only interesting remaining question is: Are the people of Peru now going to sue Steven Spielberg for breaking their „prior art“ copyright with the design of the aliens in „E.T.“?
You can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. The internet and social media is full of this sort of thing. It is so easy to create plausible looking images and videos with the programmes available today.😏
Believe this and you'll believe anything. Looks like paper machie to me.
The article cited in the post is from "Coast to Coast AM", a radio show in the US that runs late night and is full of wierd topics (UFOs, Demonic possession, etc).
Yes is it bogus, but newsworthy since the Mexican government actually listened to them.