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This starts out with Keith Wilton, I believe that's his name, in front of his collection of super 8's. He has this youtube channel that not only reviews video discs but includes references to super 8mm prints. Very enjoyable. If not a subscriber, I do recommend it.
John's collection still astonishes me every time I see it. Lots of great titles from 400ft cutdowns to feature lengths. Brilliant.
Also John's 4K reviews are always a lot more helpful than some of the other 4K reviewers out there. John truly knows the source and WHY the 4K disc looks the way it does. Some people assume that a 4K of a movie from the 50's should look like the 4K of TENET.
Totally agree Clark, its well worth subscribing to his channel, both John and Keith used to do the Super 8 reviews in the Derann FFTC magazine, many moons ago, as a result, there excellent of review's cost me a fortune in buying films, seems like a million years ago now.
John Clancy is another one of those members of the worldwide super 8 community that has been instrumental to countless events and releases that most folks don't have a clue about, and I am proud to consider him a part of my personal circle of friends!