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Interesting Quote from John Mc Tiernan

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  • Interesting Quote from John Mc Tiernan

    John Mc Tiernan director of Die Hard, Predator, Hunt for Red October and Die Hard with a Vengeance.

    He did time in prison for relatively little considering what others have done and hasn’t made a film since 2003. Effectively, blackballed by Hollywood.

    A very honest and intelligent insight into the present film scene.

    He hasn’t directed a film in almost 20 years. He implies that the reason why is the shape-shifting change within the industry:

    “There is a reason why the atmosphere in the film industry changed around the year 2000. Movie studios were all acquired by money. Around 2000 they got a hold of all the studios — what kind of movies have they made since? They make movies about people who don’t exist, they make animated movies about chipmunks, or extinct mammals like mastodons and sabertooth tigers. Or they make movies about wizards. They don’t make movies about real people anymore because those are dangerous.”

  • #2
    He's a talented director. I thought it was the bad box-office combination of Rollerball & The Last Action Hero that gave him a bad rep. McTiernan was charged with paying a private detective to conduct wiretaps of a producer he thought was badmouthing him.


    • #3
      I know he did wrong but in comparison to others in media industry he seems to have got a bad rap.

