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Star Wars was such a landmark in my life, that i sometimes refer to people as "pre" or "post" Star Wars babies.
Young people today really do not understand how big of a thing SW actually was. It's like trying to explain "Beatle-mania" Now, I wasn't actually there for the beginnings of the Beatles (born in 66), but it's just one of those things where, well, you had to be there to understand.
It's why i was so proud to finally find a few years back, that Cineavision full feature of STAR WARS. Yes, the Derann print is a little better, yes, the image is a little bright on reel 2 (rest is really good), but it is the ACTUAL film, without any improvements, that I actually saw in 77, and when i screen that particular print, my kids, who love STAR WARS, while they love the film, just don't really understand why I almost get a tear to my eye watching it ...
The 35mm print I saw on first release was not good - I just had to go to see it again in the West End from 70mm. The following two I only saw in 35mm (and Super 8 extracts of the first 2 at home). I think there may have been some early publicity for the third one as I remember seeing children leaving a cinema before it was finished wearing "Revenge of the Jedi" Tee Shirts.
...I was still in school when Star Wars was released. It is the only film I skipped classes for for 10 consecutive days! I faked illness so I could take transit downtown to see it! Even then I had a hunch it would go on to be something bigger. Seeing it on the big screen, even on school days on a matinee the Cinema was packed! I then went on to order my first Super 8 camera from an ad in TV Guide...
A Fan for life.
Burton, I basically survived on popcorn for about three days!
... and then, the magic of actually being ablem to screen the print on super 8, albeit, in digest form, in my own home. I did in fact wear out 2 200ft copies and wore out one 400ft copy ...
then they released a part 2! The last battle sequence?!!! "FREAKING AYE!!!!!"
I actually recaptured a little of that feeling when I was able to acquire a few years back, both parts of the Marketing digests (on beautiful unfaded AGFA stock!), and even though they are in German, we never bothered to re-record them as, hell, we already know all the dialogue and my wife and I just do the "dubbing" during projection!!
When Star Wars came out here it was impossible to get near the cinema running it in this city. It was only when I was visiting the town of Nelson, that I managed to see it there. Without doubt, and like Jaws a few years before, the film was a huge cinema hit.
PS... Well one thing for sure this new one will be interesting