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It might not be Disneyland but living across the road from the park our two spent quite a bit of time on this slide. The thing is with it, the kids could get up to a good speed on it, the thing is was the landing if you could call it that, anyway I came across this video anyway watch the video.
Steven sorting his glasses out, I think
Great fun Graham! I did something similar in my youth. I lived in San Francisco and went to The fun House at Playland at the Beach. The slide there was all wood and we used burlap sacks to sit on. I always came home with a couple wood burns on my arms or legs but had a great time. My brother and our friend from across the street could spend all day there. We would dare each other not to laugh at the huge laughing lady in the front window of the fun house. It was impossible not to giggle. Here's a nice little video with some actual pics of the old funhouse.
April had her first driving lesson with me over there all grown up now she is still scary behind the wheel
How to get fit
How to get wet
How to get lost
Those old cars were fun
We spent a lot of time on the mini golf
This was great for the small ones you had a fire engine, diggers etc they all worked to
I always thought this one was a bit iffy it used to shake a bit until they put more supports, that sort of helped, I avoided this one
I miss those days April and Steven were always across there with there friends, either for a swim or doing as above, they were good times, pity its all gone, the earthquakes saw to that.
These old smaller scale amusement parks are very sparse these days. It was so great for families to spend quality time together at an affordable price. In California I've been to a couple small parks both on the coastline... The Santa Cruz Beach and Boardwalk and the Monterey Amusement Park. There are a few more but I haven't been to them. I think there's a small amusement park in Gilroy... The garlic capital of the world.😋