Topic: Ektachrome 64T, a First Encounter....
Steve Klare
Film Guy

Posts: 7016
From: Long Island, NY, USA
Registered: Jun 2003
posted June 27, 2008 01:37 PM
I used Kodak 64T for the first time a few weeks back and just got my footage back.
I had a problem: we went to Disneyworld in late April and it seemed a great chance to make a little film. I had two stocks in the ‘fridge: leftover Kodachrome and Plus-X. I really wanted to use up the K-40 finishing up existing projects, and there is something unhealthy about the idea of a film of Disneyworld in black and white. The time had obviously come to take the plunge and try 64T.
My most trusted cameras are a pair of Minolta XL-401s, which are among the 40/160 only herd. I have several other cameras which are probably OK, but I’ve never tried them. Being that we were talking about anywhere up to 5 rolls of film at risk, I decided to take the least chancy path and do a mod on one of the Minoltas to compensate it 2/3 of a stop.
Thusly: So I went to Florida and exposed 4 cartridges of film, not being certain that even an inch would be usable. It was quite a feeling! I imagined my wife saying “Have you got that Disney film back yet?, and me muttering “Yeahhhhh….I need to…. edit…that. May take a… long time.”
I finally got around to sending it to Dwayne’s last week. I got it back last night and I’m happy to report the footage was actually very good. The colors are wonderful, especially the reds. The grain is more than K-40, but not as much as Tri-X. Projected about 4 feet by 6 I did notice that faces in the distance became more indistinguishable than on K-40. If I bear this in mind when I compose my shots I can probably work around it.
The interesting part is some exposure experiments I did. I decided to play around with the unused 1/3rd of the last cartridge in one of the untried cameras. I put the film in a Bolex 280 Macro I had never used. This camera exposes 64T as 40 ASA, but has exposure compensation. I exposed at no compensation and -1/2 stop, therefore 2/3 stop over and only 1/6 stop over. Either exposure looked good and weren’t really distinguishable one from another, so I suspect that 64T has enough latitude that 40ASA exposure should be OK.
It’s also worth noting that after I adjusted one Minolta, I compared it side by side with the other and found the meter readings were identical. So apparently the variability in cameras is as much as this 2/3 of a stop we’ve been so concerned about, and it’s probably worth trying 40/160 only cameras unmodified first.
-------------------- All I ask is a wide screen and a projector to light her by...
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