Posts: 5895
From: Bristol. United Kingdom
Registered: Oct 2007
posted February 13, 2008 12:52 PM
I've discovered that after Bell & Howell ceased producing 16mm projectors they sold the rights to Eiki, who, in 1987, brought out their own projectors with the Bell & Howell name on them.
Four models were introduced starting with "3", these were the 3575 and the 3580, both slot-loading models. The 3585 and the 3592 were auto-thread.
None of these, of course, will have any problems with their worm gear drives.
They all seem to be very scarce, a trawl through various countries' eBays has not produced a single current listing.
posted February 13, 2008 05:59 PM
I beg to differ -- they are fairly easy to get on Ebay for a good price. I have a 3585 and love it. There may not be one now listed on eBay, but the EIKI SNT-0 is the exact same machine and I am sure there are many of THOSE listed right now. Pay no more than $100 USD, though.
posted February 13, 2008 07:14 PM
I found a Eiki SL-0 at a local thrift mart complete with take up reel and cover 24.95 but since I bought it on tuesday they give buyers breaks on tuesdays I got 10% off and it is like new.
-------------------- jim schrader "Let's see “do I have that title already?"
posted February 14, 2008 02:07 PM
There is in fact one of these on ebay right now. Nice looking machine. Unfortunately the seller will only ship within the US.
posted March 11, 2008 10:01 AM
The only thing to consider with the B&H / Eiki 3XXX machines is that they are based on the older SL-O Eiki's, which are fine, but for virtually the same money you can get the more recent SSL-O machines which do have some upgrades.