posted March 25, 2016 10:34 AM
With the CineSea 13 Film Collectors Convention coming up, it's time for attendees to pick a print they would like to see screened on Friday, April 29th.
The screening will be at 7 p.m. at the Ocean Holiday Resort in Wildwood Crest, New Jersey. Admission is free. The convention starts up at 10 a.m. the next morning.
Let's choose! If you're coming to the convention and have a print you'd like to show please list the title and format (Super 8mm or 16mm) here by 4/15. We'll then have an online survey and attendees can pick which title they prefer by 4/25.
At the last gathering we greatly enjoyed Shorty Caruso's Super 8mm print of Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein, whick looked great on a large screen.
My offering is the Red Fox Super 8mm color/flat print of Forbidden Planet (1956). If only I had the rare scope version.
Posts: 979
From: Manassas, VA. USA
Registered: Jun 2003
posted March 28, 2016 08:44 AM
Once you mentioned Karloff's looney Mask of Fu Manchu as a possible. There are a couple of us with 16mm prints of that one.
posted March 28, 2016 12:02 PM
We are up to the third Friday Night Feature and haven't had a 16mm print win yet! (It would be nice to see Gary Sloan's Xenons and sound system doing their stuff.)
I shouldn't even offer an entry this time: there's a decent chance we will get there late and don't want to walk into a room full of impatient looking people!
I'd do "Chu", too!
-and "Planet" as well!
It would almost be cruel to screen "Grizzly" if Osi couldn't be there to see it!
-------------------- All I ask is a wide screen and a projector to light her by...
Posts: 108
From: Lincoln, DE, USA
Registered: Feb 2014
posted March 28, 2016 11:01 PM
How about my print of The Boogie Man Will Get You with Boris Karloff and Peter Lorre? Or if everyone is in a cheesy flick mood I can bring The Cremators. Whatta you think?
posted March 29, 2016 03:19 PM
Was that worth repeating? - I'd like to see FU-FU or FORBIDDEN ANNE FRANCIS PLANET - If anyone has any of these, I'd bear watching GOLDEN VOYAGE OF SINDBAD, STAR WARS or a good 'ol A or B Western - As a teaser, I'm throwing in my 700' TREASURE/SIERRA MADRE - Why not start the show with a filler-short?
Posts: 979
From: Manassas, VA. USA
Registered: Jun 2003
posted March 30, 2016 06:29 AM
Whatever we decide, I hope it's something most of us have not seen a million Forbidden Planet. I like the film, but unless it's scope and stereo, it really has been seen by most people MANY times.
posted March 30, 2016 03:08 PM
That all depends on your definition of "a million times" - KONG we have all seen that much but never tire - Any Hammer is worth seeing over and again - That is why such movies will ALWAYS be seen forever, they were created to grab at the emotional levels and there you are - I vote for more shorts, I'll bring 'em of course - Gary, how was that Monkey short in Reg-8 Sound?
posted March 31, 2016 05:42 PM
I will soon look around to see what gem I have to offer, I will need to know soon though if its a 16mm feature, reason is, I don't want to bring 2 arc lamp projectors if it ends up being a super 8 feature as Sat night is mainly shorts. Does this make sense to all?? Counting the days
Posts: 108
From: Lincoln, DE, USA
Registered: Feb 2014
posted March 31, 2016 10:20 PM
How about my Tech print of Valley Of The Gwangi? Or maybe my original print of Frankenstein Meets The Wolfman? Juat a suggestion.
posted April 06, 2016 01:48 PM
So I will be offering my brand new lpp scope 16mm print of Star Wars A New Hope from 1977 for the Friday night screening, I know we all have seen it before, but it's more fun then watching it alone and being with a crowd is even better! . I will also be offering something non Sci-fi within the next few days.
quote: So I will be offering my brand new lpp scope 16mm print of Star Wars A New Hope from 1977 for the Friday night screening, I know we all have seen it before, but it's more fun then watching it alone and being with a crowd is even better! . I will also be offering something non Sci-fi within the next few days. [Smile]
posted April 13, 2016 08:01 AM
Just a few more days to enter which of your prints you'd like to show. For those who have mentioned multiple titles that they own, please list your top choice (two if necessary) and I will start the survey, which will be emailed to attendees. Thanks!
-------------------- I think there's room for just one more film.....