from what I've seen, the B&H Filmosonic DCR projector, having been built by Sankyo, is very similar to the Stereo-800. How would you say the two compare in terms of performance and features?
-------------------- Call me Phoenix. *dusts off the ashes*
Posts: 784
From: dundonald,belfast,co.antrim,northern ireland.
Registered: Jan 2006
posted July 23, 2006 02:24 PM
Hello jan;there are several diffent points between the SANKYO 800 STEREO and the BELL AND HOWELL DCR21. The first is the sankyo is a stereo machine,the lamp is a 15w/150volt type. Also the speaker connector is not the same. The british DCR 21 has a 6.3mmm jack;the sankyo has a two old style speaker terminals;pin type. The USA version of the 800 stereo has the same type of speaker connections as the DCR21.IE 6.3mm jacks. However you are right Jan,sankyo did make both those machines. My dcr21 takes 800ft take up reel.small core.Andy.
posted August 09, 2006 12:01 PM
Hi Guys, My wife thinks I have two many projectors,all I have are two Bell & Howell 2585's in mint condition,regards,Peter.
posted August 11, 2006 07:05 AM
Hello Jan,you're probably right,she's not in to home cinema,I also have a Panasonic vp but that's another topic,regards,Peter.
posted August 24, 2006 10:52 AM
In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson made the Louisiana Purchase, in which he paid France $10 million for a humongous patch of land without having any idea what was in it. Why would Jefferson make such a purchase? The answer is simple: He didn't have a wife. There was nobody to say to him: ''You spent $10 million for what? Take it back right now!'' Guys without wives are always making impulse purchases that border on the insane. If movie projectors had been invented in 1803, Jefferson would have bought one of those, too.