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The 9.5 Encyclopaedia

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  • The 9.5 Encyclopaedia

    I've just received this text by e-mail : "THE 9.5mm VINTAGE FILM ENCYCLOPAEDIA - January 2020 Update
    The process of assembling this large volume is now almost completed. The compilation of the final content, together with text of both French and English versions was mostly completed in late summer, following the display of the photocopied Master at last year's Spring Fair. Detailed discussions with the chosen publisher and printer followed and the process of typesetting was well under way by the time of the Get Together, which enabled the final design and layout of the book to be agreed. The complete proof-read of the "typeset" version was finished just before Christmas. Rather more adjustments to correct the inevitable errors, as well as necessary changes to the style and arrangement of the six principal sections, were needed than had been envisaged but an advantage of this long process has been the ability to add further information which is still coming to light. Disappointingly the book is not ready in time to take it to the Film Fair at Argenteuil at the end of this month but if all goes according to plan the actual printing will take place during February and a further update will be issued when the volume has actually been delivered. Full details of final costs, and how to obtain your copy will be given in this next mail. Many thanks for your patience and ongoing support."

  • #2
    Please tell us more about this publication. It sounds very interesting.



    • #3
      Maurice, it's a 40 years work. All the films ever printed on 9.5, in all languages are catalogued in this Bible. There are some historical reminders as well. If the demonstration proof is at Argenteuil, I will take some pictures and post them here.


      • #4
        Click image for larger version

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        • #5
          I've just been speaking to Patrick Moules about this tome. It will probably be available in about one to two months time. Price perhaps in the region of £80 - £90, but the postage will be expensive due to its weight and size.
          It sure is worth waiting for. No nine-fiver should be without a copy.



          • #6
            Patrick, I met today at Argenteuil (I helped to set the 9.5 stand up, that's why I was there one day before the official first date) and he asked me to precise (when I told him the pictures were for the forum) that what we see is only the proof, the final book will look even better.


            • #7
              An update (just received by e-mail) from Patrick : "Dear Collaborators The Book does exist at last! I have arranged for a batch to be sent to me next week from which I can start distribution. I will be in touch with all who have expressed interest when I have copies in my possession" :-)


              • #8
                Dear Dominique.Very interesting!Would you please post the Index and number of pages.regards,Trevor


                • #9
                  Hello Trevor. Patrick is waiting for the first copies, so I haven't, yet, one. The pictures posted were taken from a sample (I hope it's the correct word) that was displayed for people to get an idea of the content. I was hoping to be able to buy a copy at the international festival originally due in June but as you know this event is postponed. As soon as I get a copy (by post or in the UK in September at the festival if it's possible to organize it then), I will take a picture of the index.


                  • #10
                    Yes Dom, very interesting but I think a lot of enthusiasts will be deterred from purchasing this book because of the price plus p&p. Not to say that it may well be worth it, but looks like we're heading for austere times and it is aimed at a shrinking market.


                    • #11
                      Terry, I understand your concern. It's a question of choice. Many people are ready to pay for one night hotel the price of this Book, so it's to consider. As far as I'm concerned, I will certainly do my best to get a copy. Sadly, I'm afraid you're right about the difficult times to come...


                      • #12
                        You can get full details of this book from Amazon.
                        Yes, it's expensive, but it must be in any 9.5mm collector's library :-



                        • #13
                          Thank Dominique.I found the 'Contents' on-line and also located a copy at a UK bookshop! Eleven hundred odd pages!Should keep me busy!


                          • #14
                            Great, Trevor !


                            • #15
                              I understand from Patrick Moules that his price for the book will be £75.00, plus postage. Due to the size and weight this will not be cheap.
                              Patrick says that the whole project has personally cost him a four-figure sum, he hopes to be able to recoup costs by selling from his house. Apparently he will get very little income from on-line sellers, including Amazon, therefore he hopes that orders will come direct to him at Seend in Wiltshire.


