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The 9.5 Encyclopaedia

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  • #16
    I was hoping to buy a copy at a film fair (Patrick Moules attends many of them) or at the international 9.5 festival (in the UK this year) but sadly everything is cancelled or postponed (without any garantee, so far). I will see how the situation evolves and decide if I wait until September or if I opt for a post shipping (it will also depends on the cancellation or not of my Summer holiday ; it's not clear, yet, if we will be allowed to travel abroad or not).

    Patrick has an e-mail address, if anyone is interested in the book, I can provide Patrick's e-mail via pm.


    • #17
      Patrick is now ready for distribution, but at the moment, only to UK addresses. Price £75 plus £10 postage. Maurice


      • #18
        I forgot to say that all those who had expressed an interest will receive a personal email from Patrick. Maurice


        • #19
          I have received an email and have already sent off my cheque to Patrick.


          • #20
            I received the book from Patrick today. I must say it's very heavy at 3.5Kg. and quite large at 29cm x 22cm x 5.5cm. I consider it to be of very good value and should be on every 9.5mm enthusiasts book shelf.
            Patrick has every hope that he will be able to post overseas as soon as he can.



            • #21
              That's great news, Maurice. As said before, I wished to buy a copy at a UK film fair or at the international festival but due to all the cancellations and the uncertain situation for September and October, I may, although it will certainly be expensive, also mail order (if that's the correct expression in English) if "Harpenden" is not confirmed.


              • #22
                Yes, Dominique, Mail Order is quite correct.
                I am sure you will appreciate this great reference book when you do eventually receive it.



                • #23
                  Got my copy today. A regular 9.5mm encyclopedia. The postie couldn't carry to many of these!


                  • #24
                    My copy has arrived ! Great to see the result, a real book. Certainly the event of the year for the 9.5 world...

                    Click image for larger version

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                    • #25
                      That looks amazing!


                      • #26
                        "The Book" has the honnor of the French magazine cover...

                        Click image for larger version

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ID:	20235


                        • #27
                          Although, this is an Anglo-saxon forum with few French members (or non French members living in France), I wish to report that the 9.5 Encyclopaedia is now on sale in Paris at the Fondation Seydoux-Pathé Informations pratiques | Fondation Jérôme Seydoux-Pathé ( Buying from them (or ordering) may save money to those living in France (and maybe in other EU countries). If you're lucky enough to travel to Paris, don't miss this place, they have a permanent exhibition with Pathé material (which includes, of course, 9.5) ; I put pictures in another thread). If you live in the UK, and haven't your copy, yet, you can order it directly from Patrick Moules (don't hesitate to send me a PM to get his e-mail address or his phone). It seems that the book is selling well, so that's good news for the gauge and the interest it arouses.


                          • #28
                            Here are details of the Encyclopaedia, and how to buy direct from Patrick Moules.

                            9.5mm Vintage Film Encyclopaedia (


                            • #29
                              Thanks, Maurice !

