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Grahame Newnham

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  • #16
    Very sad news. Grahame was an absolute legend of 9.5 and although I only met him a few times I will always remember him when at Clevedon Movie Museum he was projecting some 9.5 sound films on his Buckingham to an appreciative audience. I did keep in touch, though not regularly, and it seemed that he was recovering slowly from his cancer operation and only a few months ago he bought a film from me that I had listed on eBay, so I thought he was doing well. He will be sorely missed and my heart and prayers go out to him and his family.
    Well done Chris for keeping in touch with him, I'm sure that was uplifting for him.
    One thing is for sure, his contribution to the world of 9.5 will endure forever.


    • #17
      I met him a few times over the years at BFCCs and 9-5 Group meetings ( when they coincided with the BFCCs) and had bought several items from him. May he rest in peace.


      • #18
        I broke the sad news to some French ninefivers who met Graham (at Argenteuil or at festivals). They are sad as well and said they remember him as a nice person.


        • #19
          Its sad to say but we have lost some very experienced 9-5 enthusiasts in recent years regretfully. I've been looking back through the photographs of events I've photographed this is of dear Grahame and locally Angus Tilston who was in our Northern 9-5 film group also gone.
          2004 Wimborne 9.5 Festival
          Click image for larger version

Name:	Copyright LM2020.jpg
Views:	537
Size:	62.6 KB
ID:	9150 Always treasure those memories with friends.


          • #20
            So sorry to hear this. His name seemed to be around for ever. So much knowledge, so much experience lost. A good man always willing to help.


            • #21
              My thoughts are with his family.I corresponded with him erratically.Bought parts and obscure items.Loved his 9.5mm pages! I'm 12000 miles away but still feel my own life is diminished by his loss. RIP


              • #22
                I got a message about Grahame's funeral. As in several other countries facing the covid 19, I guess, it will be watchable on the Net since people cannot gather at the moment. There is a password for those intersted.
                Click image for larger version

Name:	Grahame Newnham funeral (1).jpg
Views:	558
Size:	65.2 KB
ID:	9760


                • #23
                  Hello Dom. Yes I'm taking the afternoon off to say goodbye, raise a glass of wine and project some 9.5 films in memory.


                  • #24
                    Great, Lee !


                    • #25
                      Such a emotional afternoon watching the funeral but our prayers are with those who were closest and we pay tribute to our friend tonight with some 9.5 sound films on screen and of course the TITANIC trailer Grahame managed to release of 9.5 magnetic sound film to collectors a real achievement a few years ago.

                      God bless you and thank you for the privilege of your company at many film events.


                      • #26
                        I'd like to join with Lee's comments. Grahame did such a lot for the 9.5mm movement. He will be sorely missed.



                        • #27
                          Not having popped into the forum for some time, I've only just now read about Grahame's passing. I only knew him though the many hours spent on his site, yet his humour and warmth shone though, so I feel like I knew him personally, and am deeply saddened to hear the news.


                          • #28
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	LM GN.jpg
Views:	280
Size:	94.1 KB
ID:	10772 The good times


                            • #29
                              I was very sorry to learn today that Grahame had passed away last year. He was helpful in my PhD research a few years ago and he was very helpful and friendly. I tried to email him this morning with a question, which is when I found this forum.

                              I am writing a book about Norman J. Warren and I found a note in his documents that he participated in a documentary in 2014 about 9.5mm film. Does anyone here know what that was? I've been unable to find anything online. This was my question for Grahame as I figured he would definitely know!


                              • #30
                                Click image for larger version

Name:	95group95pima.jpg
Views:	264
Size:	98.7 KB
ID:	44903

                                21 years ago...The legend of this picture (from Grahame's site) : "A photograph of yours truly Grahame Newnham at a Pimlico show with Dominic De Bast a keen Group 9.5 member
                                over in London from Belgium for a short stay. Dominic is also a member of the French Cine-Club 9.5 de France.
                                The picture was taken by our then Group 9.5 Chairman Brian Everett on 10th June 2000 -
                                I was about to screen "
                                Dangerous Years" on 9.5mm optical sound, using my converted Elf/Eiki projector
                                using the 9.5mm 2400 foot 'giant spools' I used to distribute, enabling a full 8 reel feature without a break. Didn't I look young then, still able to lift heavy projectors etc. - pity about the grey hair though!"
                                By the way, my name is Dominique, not Dominic

