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If I was buying a G27 exciter lamp I would buy from someone in the cine trade, and not just anybody on eBay.
I have bought many items from my recommended seller below, but I have not bought any G27 lamps from him.
The filaments in the G27 and the G29 are vertical and horizontal respectively. The G27 works on its side (Eiki and Elmo), and the G29 works vertically (B&H and Bauer/Rank Aldis). They both have the same "skirt".
It's always a good idea to visually inspect before fitting. I once bought a Bell & Howell TQII quite cheap because it had low sound. When I got it home I discovered that someone had fitted a G27 instead of the correct G29. I fitted a G29 and was greeted with great sound.
Perhaps it would be a good idea to stock up on both lamps, they do seem to have a long life. I can't see any real alternatives at the present time.