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Hi folks,
Can I use a 250 volt 1.5 amp quick blow fuse in leui of a 110 volt 1. 5 amp fuse in my Ampro?. I cannot get hold of a 110 volt 32 x 6 mm fuse anywhere.
A fuse has a current rating as well as a voltage rating. A fuse will blow after it’s rated current continues to flow for a certain amount of time regardless of voltage used to create that current. Once the fuse is blown, it has to be able to support the voltage of the supply across without breaking down. (As the 240v fuse is voltage rated higher it will take the 110v easilly).
So, a 220V fuse can be used to replace a 110V fuse as long as the current rating and the amount of time needed to blow the fuse (fast acting versus slow blow type) is the same in both cases.
So basically - Yes you could use a 240v fuse of the same current rating and type safely
[QUOTE=Nick Regan:...A 220V fuse can be used to replace a 110V fuse as long as the current rating and the amount of time needed to blow the fuse (fast acting versus slow blow type) is the same in both cases. So basically - Yes you could use a 240v fuse of the same current rating and type safely....QUOTE]