Hi all. I am the proud new owner of a Bell and Howell 173B Diplomat projector and Filmo 70DL camera. I was getting ready to order some 16mm film so that I can test out the camera, however I am confused by something. Everything I have read about the 70DL says that it accepts single perf film, however upon inspection I can clearly see teeth on both sides of the feeder and take-up sprockets. Despite all the info I've read, were there 70DL's that came equipped for double perf? Or did I get unlucky and find a 70DL that someone intentionally converted to double perf?
Does anyone know where I could find replacement sprockets that are single perf, and know which other parts I might need to swap out on this camera to be able to use single perf film?
Thanks in advance for any guidance.

Does anyone know where I could find replacement sprockets that are single perf, and know which other parts I might need to swap out on this camera to be able to use single perf film?
Thanks in advance for any guidance.