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I am aware that Derann released the the full Feature of ROCKY but I haven't seen Rocky II as ever being released on Super 8 in the Commenwealth or the U.S. Was it foreign release? Airline print?
It is possible, as I own a super 8 optical sound feature of "Rocky 3" and it was one of those optical sound features that actually made it onto low fade film stock. However, odds are that even if you find one on optical sound super 8, it probably didn't get printed on low fade, unless you find one from Japan on Fuji film stock, as the Fuji from that period, late 70's early 80's had held up well. I have an optical sound feature of Hooper, late 70's, that is just as stunning color as the day it was printed and it is in English, though it does have Japanese subtitles, thankfully, small in size.
Hi I have quite a few optical sound prints not Rocky 3 unfortunately just wondered if anyone has a list of the optical sound prints that were available
It's really hard to know as to how many features there are of each title or how many exist today. I have a print of " Point Blank ", for instance, and it might be the only print of that existing, but there is no way of actually knowing. I mean, except for a few cases like Derann and otherwise, these prints are not even supposed to exist, as they were supposed to be destroyed, once they finished they're run on the airlines. Now, I don't know what stipulations were in place for the various super 8 optical sound film libraries, that used to exist, world wide.